Jürgen Hauer

Jürgen Hauer

Jürgen Hauer


„Infrared processing”

„Infrared processing”

„Infrared processing”


Infrared film was an important stylistic device in B&W photography. All of today’s digital sensors have infrared blocking filters built in. With some camera manufacturers, you can also have this blocking filter removed. But this costs quite a bit of money and the camera sensor is also only suitable for infrared photography.
This effect can be easily achieved with image processing programs. With the picture composition and motive selection one should pay attention to the fact that many chlorophyll-containing plants, tree trunks or e.g. tiled roofs in the color red or deep blue sky is present. In the infrared range, yellow/green turns to white and red to black. The contrast-luminance sliders in the SW conversion and in the HSL range can be set to produce an image that looks as if the image was shot with an infrared film or sensor.